I am very honored to receive an award from Anne of Midweek Magnolias Challenge Blog and Anne's Corner, given that she is such a talented crafter and I am an admirer of her work. Thank you so much Anne!
To accept my award, I need to :
1. Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of me, so Thank You so much Anne! Please head over to her blog and have a look at her gorgeous creations!
2. Post the award on my blog.
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that I appreciate.
4. Leave a comment on the blogs of the 5 people I have chosen to let them know.
It wasn't easy to choose just 5 blogs as there are so many very talented crafters out there, but I finally decided to pass this award on to
Cathy-Lynn of Ink, Thread, Paper. A very talented crafter with a fun sense of humor. She has helped me through some new blogger blues. Thank you so much Cathy-Lynn!
Anne of Learning To Jive. I love her sense of humor and her cards are just lovely.
Karen of Thoughts From the Girls. I love the imagination that goes into her creations.
Susan of A Garden of Wishes. Love the vibrant colors and clean designs of her projects.
Kathleen of Kathy's Knook. I love that each new project is a surprise.
Please go and visit these very talented people who create such beautiful projects. And thank you once again Anne, you just made my whole week!
♥ Laura C.